Increase your sales in just 3 steps
Open your online shop
Get the product feed you send to Promofarma
Send it to us and start improving your sales
Done! Monitor your competitors and optimise your profits at Promofarma.
Optimise your catalogue
Our optimisation algorithm will select every product in your catalogue that can be improved. After that, you will be able to create different categories and display them according to several filters.
Receive email alerts with price modifications
Keep track of the price changes that have taken place throughout the day with email alerts. Set them to know whenever you want which products are no longer in the best price position or if any competitor has matched your prices.
Detect unlimited pharmacies automatically
Discover all the pharmacies that compete with you in Promofarma. You will know how many competitors you have, the amount of products you are competing with them, the quantity of products where they have better of worse prices than you…
Deactivate those products where you are not competitive
Focus on the products where you can make money and offer a better price than the other pharmacies.
Integrate your costs to visualise your profits
Our costs integration system will show your current operating margin as well as the margin you would have if you equal the price of your best competitor.
40% of our customers discovered with Boardfy that they have been losing money with many of their products without knowing it.
Discover the products where you have no competitors
Our system detects the products of your catalogue that nobody else is selling in Promofarma. Don’t waste any more time: add those products and get all the sales.
Do you need another solution?
Explore the rest of Boardfy’s products.
Competitors monitoring
Take advantage of pricing competitive analysis.
Dynamic Pricing
Set prices adapted to the market behavior with our repricing system.
Campaigns optimization
Generate competitive product feeds to optimize your campaigns on Google Shopping.
Price Intelligence
Analyze the positions of your competitors
and act according to our recommendations.