Surprise… on Black Friday everything that glitters is not a discount

A couple of weeks ago we talked about the key facts any online shop must have in account to success during the Black Friday puntos importantes que una tienda debe tener en cuenta para abordar el Black Friday and there was the need to pay special attention to the offers, as some people uses less “ethical” policies to prepare their prices for that day.

Read less ethical as deceiving your customers, even though most of them control the prices of the products they want to know if they are really buying an offer.

No sooner said than done. In Boardfy we have discovered that sometimes the worst scenario takes place, and last Friday was in general as “Black” as ever.

What are we supposed to find during Black Friday?

Black Friday: the concept

“Black Friday” is the first day of the Christmas shopping season in the United States, now extended to he rest of the world. It is the following day to Thanksgiving, which takes place on the fourth Thursday of November, and shops offer great discounts.

As you can imagine, sales are increased during this day. However, some customers don’t trust the discounts offered.

Black Friday

Black Friday traps

And sometimes they have good reasons to mistrust them, as there are several strategies used by some online sellers based on deceiving the customer. There are some situations where being cautious and suspicious before buying are good traits.

In fact, some electronic shop chains have increased the prices so that they could decrease them during Black Friday.

Also, some shops show their prices without taxes and at the end the customer has to pay a higher price.

And even there are scams not related to price, but to products that do not correspond with the original and does not allow returns, email campaigns containing a virus or gifts that ask us to fill forms to get our personal data.


Boardfy data

As a price control and intelligence tool, we have a quite big database related to the price changes made during the last Black Friday and I can assure you that we were really surprised when we analysed them.

First of all, we want to underline that the data used represent a general scenario of the price behaviour during the Black Friday and we are not pointing to anyone.

After going through the the statistics offered by almost half a million of prices of different categories of products, seller types and platforms in Spain, France, Germany, Italy and UK; we got some relevant data.

First, prices were not static throughout the day and were adjusted depending on the customer’s behaviour, even though the price decrease was planned.

Second, prices were 10% lower at the beginning of the day compared to the previous Friday.

And last but not least:

40% of price changes during Black Friday were made to increase them.


Is Black Friday a real bargain in terms of price?

Short answer: Yes.

It is true that we can find real bargains in any category of products if we look for them and are cautious. At marketplaces such as Amazon, Ebay and Kuantokusta, or in any other online shop there are good prices that will make us save money.

Long answer: Yes, but… Just in a few cases.

Most of the products don’t have a big discount or even no discount at all.

As you all know, companies always want to increase their sales and raise their profits.

Even during Black Friday.

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